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Thursday, Sept. 28, 2006 8:24 P.M.

Wow, Long Meme Ahead

Guess what happens when you pass a stupid kidney stone. Go ahead, guess. You get a stupid infection. Then you have to take a stupid antibiotic to get rid of the stupid infection and then you spend the next two days not knowing which end to hold over/on the toilet.

Then to top it all off, you have to miss two stupid days of work without pay because you do all of this one week before your new work year starts and reinstalls your stupid sick/vacation time.

It was so bad until around 2:30 today that I couldn�t even get out of bed except to run to the bathroom. I watched TV and swabbed my head with a face with a cold facecloth. Lori brought me some cold Pepsi and Munchos and they settled my stomach. Bad day. Stupid, bad day. I just put some delicious looking beef ribs into the oven and have absolutely no appetite. That really tics me off. I love them normally. Oh well, leftovers are good.

Since, once again, all the cool kids are doing it, I shall do the meme. I won�t give credit because I have seen it in so many places, I haven�t a clue who started it.

Do you hate more than 3 people? I don�t hate anyone. Hate is a very strong word. I dislike some people immensely, but not hate. Hate is a very raw and barbaric emotion.

What is your favorite candy bar?Milky Way and Sky Bar

What are your favorite shoes?I have no favorite shoes. I love my slippers, thought.

Have you ever tripped someone? Probably when I was a kid. I was a rotten kid.

Do you own a Britney Spears CD? If I did, I would use it for target practice.

Have you ever thrown up in public? A couple of times when I was younger and hungover.

What is your favorite music genre? Oldies and soft Rock

What is your sign? Gemini, and so am I

What time were you born? I haven�t a clue

Do you like beer? It�s funny. On a hot summer day, I love a couple of Miller Lites, other than that, I don�t touch it.

Have you ever made a prank call? Lord, yes. Millions and millions. See tripping question.

What is the most embarrassing CD you own? None, really unless you want to count my Herman�s Hermits. Don�t you count them.

Are you sarcastic? Oh yah.

What are your favorite colors? teal

How many watches do you own? 4 or 5. Only one still works.

Summer or winter? Summer, by default. Lesser of two evils.

Spring or fall? Fall. It�s my favorite time of year. You can sleep comfortably with crisp, cool air and enjoy the day without heat and humidity.

What is your favorite color to wear? I love teal, but I also love earth tones. Browns, gold and greens.

Pepsi or Sprite? Pepsiholic here.

What color is your cell phone? Silver and maroon. I put the maroon on with fingernail polish as a joke to show Lori I didn�t need no stinkin Razor.

Have you ever slapped someone? Once. She deserved that and more Years ago

Have you ever had a cavity? Many.

How many lamps are in your bedroom? Two

How many video games do you own? None. I play pogo when the mood hits.

What was your first pet? We had two when I was very little. One was a rooster, Zeke and the other was a beagle, Queenie

Have you ever had braces? Nope

Do looks matter? Not unless they are your mealticket. To those people, they probably do. To me, they never have.

Do you use Chapstick? Three words. Gross, gross, and gross. Terry uses it sometimes and I can�t even kiss him.

Name 3 teachers from your high school: Mr.Lawrence, Mrs. Clark, and Mrs. Parker.

American Eagle or Abercrombie? Neither.

Are you too forgiving? I used to be but now I am getting over it.

Do you own something from Hot Topic? Never heard of them.

What is your favorite breakfast? French toast, bacon and coffee.

Do you own a gun? Hell no. I would be afraid I would use it on the wrong person.

When was the last time you cried? When Terry was diagnosed with bladder cancer. Nobody ever sees me cry. I hate to cry. But as of next months it will be 2 years cancer free!

What did you do 3 nights ago? Watched TV and played on computer

When was the last time you went to Olive Garden? The only time I have ever been was about 11 years ago.

Have you ever called your teacher mom? No. Strange question.

Have you ever been in a castle? Not yet.

What are your nicknames? Ma, Mom, Gramma, Honeybabe and Kay.

Do you know anyone named Bertha? Nope.

Have you ever been to Hawaii? Not yet.

Do you own something from Banana Republic? No, I�m beginning to feel so underprivileged.

Are you happy with your life right now? Yes.

Does anyone like you? I would hope so.

What were you doing May of 1994? I had just had an Angioplasty the previous month and was waiting to start my next job the following month.

McDonald's or Wendy's? Because of the choices, I will say Wendy�s, but my heart belongs to Burger King.

Do you like yourself? Most of the time.

Favorite feature of the opposite sex? Sense of humor is at the top.

Are you afraid of the dark? Only during thunderstorms.

Have you ever eaten paste? Not yet, but I love the smell.

Do you have a webcam? I used to and probably have one in a drawer somewhere.

Have you ever stripped? I plead the 5th.

What was the last film you saw at the cinema? Passion of the Christ or The Incredibles, not sure.

What are your favorite TV shows? This is long enough already. Ok, just for a few, all of the Law & Orders, all of the CSI�s and many, many, more.

What did you have for breakfast? I choked down some toast after a bout of hug the toilet.

What is your middle name? Kay.

What foods do you dislike? Not many. Eggplant, cottage cheese, yogurt and artichokes. That�s pretty much it. I like many foods that don�t like me. Like all Mexican except mild tacos.

What is your favorite CD at the moment? Probably my Cher and James Blunt.

Favorite sandwich? Peanut butter and Mayo.

What are your favorite clothes? I live in jeans or sweats when not at work.

What color is your bathroom? Pink and Maroon.

Favorite brand of clothing? None.

Where would you want to retire to? Maine.

Favorite time of day? Late night when I�m the only one up.

What did you want to be when you were little? Lawyer.

What is your best childhood memory? Sitting in the library all by myself with all those books.

Eye Color? 5�2, eyes of blue.

Ever been toilet papering? Not yet.

Favorite day of the week? Friday. I know I have the next two days off.

Damn this was long! Goodnight!



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