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from the start.

Tuesday, Aug. 14, 2007 10:49 A.M.

I'm home.

I�m home! I actually got home yesterday, but it was a comedy of errors from the moment I got here. First of all, I was never allowed to sleep more than 4 hours for 8 days, so I was exhausted by the time I got home. The phone rang off the hook with friends and family wondering if I got home.

It rang right up until around 6:30pm when I was getting ready to take a breathing treatment. Then right out of nowhere, we had one of the biggest, loudest thunderstorms erupt in a split second than I have ever seen. One second it was sunny. Terry was at the end of the driveway with brother Pete, checking out his new (to him) car. My son Jeff had just called to check on me and all of a sudden, I heard a crash-bang and Terry yelling. I hollered to see if he was okay and could hear him banging something. I just got up when the room started flashing like a strobe lit disco on a Saturday night.

I told Jeff I had to run and hung up the phone as Terry came into the living room. He had been at the end of the drive when the sky just turned instantly black and the sky opened up. In his haste to get into the house, the screen door caught on the frame and he got totally saturated. Add to this that we lost the power at the same time.

Now I find myself in a strange position. I had to switch over from conversion machine to tanked oxygen, which is no big deal until you remember that I am traumatized by lightning and all my blinds were open. Fun times. So by 8:30 the power still hadn�t come on. I used my quickie inhaler instead of taking my breathing treatment, said to hell with it and went to sleep. Because of the oxygen, we couldn�t even light candles. We are going to have to get some of those Coleman battery run lamps laid in. The funny thing is that of all the times for the power to go out, I think that was only the 2nd or 3rd time it has in the 13 years I�ve lived in this town. Great timing.

I woke up when the power came back on at 10:00. By then, I felt a lot better.

I feel better now than I have felt in the past two months. I feel almost normal. Well, as normal as one can feel carrying around a 20 foot loop of plastic tubing wherever I go. I am calling it my invisible dog. I have yet to give him a name. At least it gives me full access to all of the house except the last foot or so to the kitchen sink. That isn�t a big deal, I can slip the tube off for a few minutes if I have to reach anything there. I can do my laundry, pick up the other areas and get back to living again!! I have a portable tank to take in the car with me, so I will not be houseboud either. It will take some getting used to being seen in public with it. I am not ready for that quite yet.

I want to thank you all for your prayers. I am sure they are what, with lots of help from God, got me through this latest bought. My over-inflated lungs don't get rid of the carbon dioxide like it is supposed to so it builds in my luds and seeps into my blood. Not a goo =d thing. That is why I am now on the oxygen. Hopefully, over time, they will come up with the right combonation of meds that will let me stay at the level I am at now. This is a progressive desease, but by following orders and taking the right meds, it can be kept at a very low progression. As I said before, the diagnosis is Pulmonary hypertension/copd/emphesma. There is no cure, but there is maintenance. I can stick around for a good long time as ling as I am vigiant about taking care of myself.

And what can I say about that loving adorable husband of mine? He was very scared.

Terry worked his butt off while I was away. He washed, Fabreezed and cleaned everything not nailed down. I couldn�t smell anything when I walked in, but what amazed me was my old landlord stopped by. He said our house reeked of smoke whenever he would come in and now he smells NOTHING! There is no smoking at all in the house now. I am officially, as of this moment 172 hours smoke free, or 8 days. I can�t smell it on Terry. He is only smoking outdoors, so that helps. All I can smell is my Bath and Body Works Mango Mandarin. I love my bath and Body Works. I am going to spending all my cigarette money on that from now on. Smells much better.

Since it looks as though I will probably have to be on the oxygen tube for the rest of my life, I am going to have to get KitchenlogicTo design me a little dress-me-up for it. She has such a great imagination, I�m sure she can come up with a fashion statement for me.

I also need Golfwidow to send me the code to put how many days it�s been since I quit smoking on my page like she has. I can�t figure it out. Will ya, Golf? Thanks.

Oh, And one more thing. With all this stuff going on for seemingly forever, I have gotten totally messed up with where many of you have moved to. I am behind in many of you simply because I can�t find you and when I do, I haven�t written it down. If you would be so kind as to zip me off an email or sign me comments to tell me where you are now, I will get busy and update all of you on my page so I won�t miss any more entries. I miss you!!!

Those of you with notify lists, I have you. I have been away for awhile, but I will catch up over time. I have not been well for over a month or so, and have really gotten behind with many of you. It was never because I didn�t care, believe me. I have just been really failing in the health department and tried to chalk it all up to depression. I should have paid more attention, I guess.

Thanks for everything. I love you guys!

I know this entry is all over the place, but I just felt the need to spew out everything at once. If it done't make much sense, I'm sorry. I'll try to clean up my act as I go along. Thanks.



yesterday's gone/tomorrow's coming

- - 2009-07-27
- - 2009-07-07
- - 2009-06-29
- - 2009-06-26
- - 2009-06-09


� kmurray 2007 - 8

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