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from the start.

Wednesday, Aug. 25, 2004 11:15 P.M.

The Finale!

JournalCon Part 3 � The Final Part (I Promise)

After a good sleep Friday night (sleep? More like comatose), we got up bright and early the next morning. Well, early anyway. summer-gale hit the shower and I was making a pot of coffee when the phone rang.

�Yo, Dude.�

�Hello� (I recognized a very hungover sleepy trancejen�s voice at the other end of the line.)

�I have to come and get my shoes�

�Excuse me?�

�My shoes, man. I left them in your room�

�I don�t think so.�

Ya, I did�

�No, you didn�t�

�Ya I did!�

�You weren�t in my room last night.�

�Wa?? Yes I was!�

I finally decided to stop the gaslight treatment of poor Trance. She was starting to freak out just a tad.

�Jen, who do you think you�re talking to?�

�this is la-the-sage, Isn�t it?�

I laughed and told her it was me. I think I heard �bitch� under her breath, but I can�t swear to it. Nothing more fun than playing �Headgames with the Hungover.�

We (Summer-gale and I) went to breakfast and to our respective panels. I met the absolutely wonderful

Suzy and Hubby, Tony

At lunchtime, I was asked or else I invited myself (I�m like that. Pushy, I mean) to go to Fire Fly. I am not one to sit and wait to be dragged along. I believe in that wise saying, "No Journalist Left Behind" or however the hell it goes. (Wow, listen to my trashy mouth going in here. I think I was totally corrupted while I was gone.

Anyway, lunch was fantastic. $11.95 for a cheeseburger, it better be! This is who I spent it with. What waitress was sweet enough to get a group photo for Bozoette and I stole borrowed it.

The beautiful blond bombshell on the left is none other than sunnflower ! She is super nice! I LOVE her hair!!!! Next is the talented Bozoette , then in the middle, is my roomie, summer-gale. Top left is the beautiful and tiny Juju . This lady lost 100 pounds! Go check out her pictures on her website! She is positively gorgeous and I would kill for her skin! Yes, kill! And of course, bottom right is me. I really do have eyes. I obviously did not meet the diet challenge of some of the others a few months ago. So what. I�m not fat, I�m fluffy.

We did the bubbly again at 5 and headed off to the karaNOke place, ala Hamburger Mary�s. Want to see why they call it that? Want to see how much summer-gale can eat? Wanna? Wanna?

I can�t believe she ate the WHOLE THING! And French Fries too!!

Tons of people showed up but unfortunately, not the DJ. The bartender tried to get the machine working, but it wasn�t meant to be. We had fun anyway.

At one point, summer-gale was talking to me and all of a sudden her eyes got as big as saucers. She was looking right over my shoulder. I turned to see a rather tall Drag Queen standing next to me. Diane (summer) went nuts!

�Take my picture with her, Karen! Please! Please! Please!!� Ok, maybe not that nuts, but pretty damn close. I told her I would if she asked permission first. I knew what would happen. I was right. The Queen was totally flattered and threw an arm around her and biensoul and posed for my camera.

Three hotties, I tell ya!

I do have to admit. The drag queen kind of pissed me off. I am all for equality, diversity and live and let live, but damn! I just don�t think it is right for a 6� 3� guy to look better in a dress than I do! Just kidding. About being pissed, I mean. Not about looking better in a dress. He was fun, he was friendly and he was loved by all.

We waited for jenne1017 to arrive. She had a previous engagement so she couldn�t start out with us.

Finally, around 12:30 we decided to call it a night. The music was starting to get to me. How many times can you listen to or look at a 14 foot Mick Jagger or Madonna on the overhead screen before your eyes threaten to turn to pools of blood and ooze out of your head or your ears explode? Me? The first 5 minutes was enough. Wouldn�t you know it? Jen showed up right after we left. I guess she and a bunch of them partied hard at another bar later.

Summer-gale and I stopped at the 7-11 for snacks and went back to the hotel. I think she bought one more drink to take up, but I�m not sure. I was dead tired.

The next morning we were up and raring to go again. Well, we were up anyway, and made our way down to get breakfast and attend the last of the panels. They were all very good. They were about Search engines, secrets, legal issues, love, and much, much more.

It was time to pack and we headed upstairs.

I need to lay the groundwork for this next story. When jenne1017 and I arrived on Friday night, I found out that the hotel has the strangest policy I have ever heard of. They take your charge card and freeze the price of the two nights, the tax, and a $50.00 per each day security deposit. And though summer-gale was splitting the cost of the room, she was not going to arrive for 4 hours. They needed to freeze those charges before they would give you the room key. Thank God for Jen! She put her card up for the entire amount! (I Love you Jen!!) And to add insult to injury, the freeze stays on, not until you check out, but 42 hours after! I shall stop bitching now, as the weekend fun and good times outweighed that little bit of bull.

Anyway, as we were packing, Summer-gale made the comment that if anything is missing when you check out, they probably charge you for it. �I know that�, I tell her. She then picks up the little placard that shows the prices. �A lint brush is $2.00.�, she says. �Ya, but if you wanted one, they might put it on Jen�s card by accident, even if you paid for it�, I answered. She looked at me strangely and repeated, �Ya. It�s $2.00.� I asked her if she ordered one. She looked at me even more strangely. �No, I didn�t.� �Well, what are you worried about?� I asked. �Oh, nevermind. Nevermind I even said anything.�

A minute later, as I was tossing the last of my stuff into my backpack, it hit me.

I picked up something and asked her if she knew what it was. She looked at me like I had just grown another nose or something. �Of course I do. It�s a lint brush!� The only thing missing from her statement was the �DUH!� at the end.

I started laughing. Just a giggle at first, then a full fledged laugh!

�You nut! It isn�t a lint brush ���. It�s my toothbrush!� Ok, it all fairness, I wear dentures (I�m old, leave me alone!!!) My toothbrush is shaped like an old fashioned potato brush. I�m laughing again as I write this. She thought I was stealing a lint brush! And making jenne1017 pay for it even!

My cost of room --- $119.00 plus tax

Cost of drinks --- $60.00

Cost of food -- $75.00

Look on her face when she found out what it was? Priceless!

We finally checked out and waited for Jen. She took us all around to see the sights. I loved seeing everything. I didn�t think I would be able to but I�m glad I did.

Finally, we had to say our goodbyes, but not until Jen treated us to lunch in Union Station at America. The menu consists of dishes from each state. I had hot dogs and french fries. There were many other things I would loved to have had, but I knew the safest for me and my stomach was something without sauce or flair. They were good too!

Well, all good things must come to and end and my trip unfortunately did too. Jen, Summer-gale and I sat while I waited to board the train. Finally, hugs, out the door and it was over.

I leave you with one more picture that demonstrates how I felt on the ride home. The picture is of summer-gale, but it caps it up nicely.



yesterday's gone/tomorrow's coming

- - 2009-07-27
- - 2009-07-07
- - 2009-06-29
- - 2009-06-26
- - 2009-06-09


� kmurray 2007 - 8

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